Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Life Seems Like it is Racing By

Image Credit: Pepe

It always seems as if we are playing catch with our lives. It seems like life is speeding past us right before our eyes. It seems like there is never enough hours in the day. It seems like we cannot grasp the precious moments before they slip right out of our hands.
Life is busy, especially if you are taking care of several people (includes children) besides yourself. Always on the go, always in a rush, always so tired.
I revealed my love for coffee in an earlier Blog. It keeps me going, and it gives me the ability to conquer the world. Well, at least I feel like I can.

Have you ever wondered what effects coffee has on our minds and bodies? I have, and figured that now is the perfect time to do some research on this matter.

Interesting fact: Coffee is the second most consumed beverage, water being number one.

In an article, Coffee and its Consumption: Benefits and Risks, written by Masood Sadiq Butt and M. Tauseef Sultan, describes how some researchers blame coffee for being linked to cardiovascular and cholesterol complications, various cancers, and insomnia.

On the other hand, coffee can help us properly function cognitively. Also, the fats in the coffee can help protect against some cancerous cells and prevent Parkinson’s disease, as well as, Type II diabetes.

It seems like coffee can have some pretty negative effects on our bodies if consumed in large rations. But, it also seems like it can have some benefits that outweigh the negatives. At least for me they do.

Every day I am on survival mode, and if all I need is that cup of coffee to help me function, then I am getting that cup of that liquidly goodness.

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